Alex Stewart

I was born over 60 years ago in the northern English town of Halifax, which means

I’ve painted and drawn for over half my life. There have been huge changes in my

life during this time , and as I have changed so has my painting.


Every time I sit down to paint, all these things sit inside me. As I start, an internal

switch takes me on a path of discovery where things appear in my minds eye, it is

no longer words or even conscious thinking, it is my language of how I experience

life. Watercolour paint on paper, Oil on canvas or panel, these are the materials I use to

create the images, It gives me freedom, no one formally taught me, and I have no

rules. I create a nest where I can listen to a cricket match or music and allow

myself to fall into my imagination. I set myself challenges to overcome, I play loud

music when I have a thousand leaves to paint and curse myself for not making

things easier for myself. I want every painting to be perfect and jewel like , but

always I’ll find a flaw, no one else will see it , but its that flaw which is the seed for

the next image, a doorway to the next step.


The cast of characters expand and contract, change colour, shape and meaning,

all is in flux but each painting seems so specific, yet when looked at the following

day can convey something very different. The meaning is in the eye of the

beholder, and theirs to explore.


When Im asked what my paintings are like, I tell them I call them illustrations for an

unwritten book, I use images and colour instead of words. My influences and

inspiration come from many directions. Miniature painting from Asia and

illuminated manuscripts, remembered children’s books. I am influenced by, and /

or love, so many different artists, people, places and things that untangling them

into a list is impossible. I include the quote below because it sums up for me the joy of painting and the life it has given me.


“Somewhere I have never travelled, gladly beyond” - e e cummings

Exhibitions in the UK, Sri Lanka, USA, India since 1993